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near鍜宯ear to鐢ㄦ硶

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:47    点击次数:135

回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 涓€銆乶ear鑻?[nɪə(r)]   缇?[nɪr]  adv.锛堢┖闂达級鍦ㄨ繎澶?鍦ㄩ檮杩?锛堟椂闂达級涓磋繎;锛堢▼搴︼級鍑犱箮prep.锛堣〃绀虹▼搴︼級鎺ヨ繎;锛堣〃绀轰綅缃級闈犺繎;锛堣〃绀烘椂闂达級灏嗚繎;鎺ヨ繎浜庯紙鏌愮鐘舵€侊級adj.杩戠殑;浜插瘑鐨?杩戜技;锛?a href="浜插睘鍏崇郴" highlight="true">浜插睘鍏崇郴锛夎繎浜?/p>1銆両t would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry 鍙告硶琛屼笟鐪嬫潵鏄渶涓嶆槗鍙楃粡娴庤惂鏉″奖鍝嶇殑棰嗗煙浜嗐€?/p>2銆乀he time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day. 鎴戠寮€鏃ユ湰鐨勬棩瀛愪竴澶╁ぉ杩戜簡銆?/p>3銆乀he pound, which ended last year near its annual low, is expected to come under renewed pressure today. 鑻遍晳鍘诲勾骞寸粓闄嶅埌浜嗘帴杩戝叏骞存渶浣庣偣鐨勬按骞筹紝棰勮浠婂ぉ灏嗗啀搴﹂潰涓?a href="姹囦环" highlight="true">姹囦环涓嬭穼鐨勫帇鍔涖€?/p>浜屻€乶ear to鑻?[niə tu:]   缇?[nɪr tu]  鎺ヨ繎浜庯紝闈犺繎浜?/p>1銆丼he is not herself. She came near to a breakdown. 濂硅韩浣撲笉鑸掓湇锛岀畝鐩磋宕╂簝浜嗐€?/p>2銆丠e came very near to losing his life. 浠栧樊鐐瑰効涓簡鎬у懡銆?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡杩戜箟璇?/a>锛歝lose銆乶earby涓€銆乧loseclose姘斿己浜巒ear銆傛寚鏃堕棿銆佸湴鐐规垨绋嬪害鏂归潰鐨勬帴杩戯紝鏈夌揣闈犮€佺浉閭荤殑鎰忓懗銆?br />鑻?[kləʊz]   缇?[kloʊz]  adj.浜插瘑鐨?绱у瘑鐨?浜茶繎鐨?/p>vt.鍏?缁撴潫;浣块潬杩?/p>vi.鍏抽棴;鍏?缁撴潫adv.绱у瘑鍦?/p>His words are common, but they make people feel quite close to him. 浠栫殑鏂囧瓧鏅€氾紝浣嗗畠浠娇浜轰滑闈炲父闈犺繎浠栥€?/p>浜屻€乶earbynearby鎸囪窛绂讳笂寰堣繎锛岃繎鍦ㄥ挮灏恒€?/p>鑻?[ˌnɪəˈbaɪ]   缇?[ˌnɪrˈbaɪ]  adj.鍦ㄩ檮杩戠殑锛屼綅浜庨檮杩戠殑adv.闄勮繎鍦帮紝涓嶈繙鍦?/p>He might easily have been seen by someone who lived nearby...浣忓湪闄勮繎鐨勪汉寰堝彲鑳芥湁璋佽杩囦粬銆?/p> 回答2: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 near adj. 杩戠殑锛涗翰杩戠殑锛涜繎浼肩殑 adv. 杩戯紱鎺ヨ繎 prep. 闈犺繎锛涜繎浼间簬 姣旇緝绾?nearer鏈€楂樼骇 nearest They live near London. 浠栦滑浣忓湪浼︽暒闄勮繎銆?I鈥檓 sure they live somewhere near here. 鎴戣偗瀹氫粬浠氨浣忓湪杩欓檮杩戙€?They moved house to b 0 8 回答3: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 nearadj. 杩戠殑锛涗翰杩戠殑锛涜繎浼肩殑adv. 杩戯紱鎺ヨ繎prep. 闈犺繎锛涜繎浼间簬姣旇緝绾?nearer鏈€楂樼骇 nearestThey live near London. 浠栦滑浣忓湪浼︽暒闄勮繎銆?br />I鈥檓 sure they live somewhere near here. 鎴戣偗瀹氫粬浠氨浣忓湪杩欓檮杩戙€?br />They moved house to be nearer the school. 浠栦滑鎶婂鎼埌绂诲鏍¤繎涓€浜涖€?br />She told the children not to go near the canal. 濂瑰憡璇夊瀛愪滑涓嶈璧拌繎杩愭渤銆?br />I鈥檓 warning you - don鈥檛 come any nearer! 鎴戣鍛婁綘鍒啀闈犺繎锛?br />We heard voices as we drew near the village. 鎴戜滑璧拌繎鏉戝瓙鏃跺惉瑙佷簡璇磋瘽澹般€?br />near to a place涓€鑸綔鍚庣疆瀹氳鐨?br />a hotel near to the beach 涓€瀹堕潬杩戞捣婊╃殑瀹鹃 回答4: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 near from涓嶇畻鏄竴涓浐瀹氭惌閰嶏紝鍙槸鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑甯稿父鍚屾椂鍑虹幇锛屽拰far from涓€涓亾鐞嗘瘮濡傦細it's very near from my home to school.1. near 鍙互鐩存帴鎺ュ悕璇嶆瘮濡傦細 Don't let it come near me!2. 涔熷彲浠ユ槸 near to something姣斿锛欻e crouched as near to the door as he 鍚庨潰涔熷彲鑳芥槸鏌愪簺鐘舵€侊紝鑰屼笉鏄叿浣撲簨鐗╂瘮濡傦細He was near to madness. She was believed to have died in near poverty涔熷彲浠ユ槸鏃堕棿姣斿锛欻e got home when it was near midnight.

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